Comprehensive Plan
Register today to help Columbia look “Beyond the Horizon” and imagine a better tomorrow.
Our world is always changing. Anticipating change and shaping our future is important to the success of our community. The Columbia, Illinois Comprehensive Plan will help structure a path for moving forward.
The engagement doesn't stop here, more engagement opportunities coming soon!
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
The Comprehensive Plan is a living document that embodies the community’s vision and goals for the future. The Plan takes elements of everyday life—housing, parks, transportation, and more—and creates a long-term framework of growth. These life elements are always evolving and need to be reassessed periodically. Decision-makers, such as the City Council, Plan Commission, and Staff, use the document to make policy decisions that align with the community-driven Comprehensive Plan.
Columbia Comprehensive Plan, “Beyond the Horizon” Process
The current 20/20 Master plan was adopted in 2005. It helped manage growth and preserve Columbia’s character but has become outdated. The Columbia Comprehensive Plan, “Beyond the Horizon,” will guide growth over the next 25 years. Analyzing data and trends will help supplement community feedback to inform the best path forward.
As the Comprehensive Plan is a framework of the community’s vision for the future, the planning process will involve many groups and stakeholders. Working with the City, Shockey Consulting will help facilitate discussions – with a community-led Steering Committee, Elected Officials, City Staff, focus groups, and the greater Columbia community – to help stakeholders address issues and develop solutions to build a stronger community. The project will last approximately 12 months and finish with a final presentation to the Plan Commission for adoption.
How Do I Get Involved?
Both in-person and virtual engagement opportunities will help reach as many people as possible. Columbia Conversations will have several online activities throughout the process to gain community insight and feedback. Additionally, public meetings and popup events will offer in-person opportunities for discussion and input.
Please help us look “Beyond the Horizon” to imagine a better tomorrow.
Register now to receive updates on the planning process, engagement updates, and to participate in some activities (forums, quick polls, mapping, etc.). Surveys are now open to everyone, regardless of registration.
“We have always held to the hope, the belief, the conviction that there is a better life, a better world, beyond the horizon.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt |